



  • 外國學生註冊時,新生應檢附已投保自入境當日起至少六個月效期之醫療及傷害保險。
  • 保險證明如為國外所核發者,應經駐外館處驗證。


本校無全民健保外國學生一律強制參加本校提供之「團體外國學生健康保險」,6個月保費共計新台幣 3,000 元(列於註冊費內一併繳交)。


Medical Insurance for Foreign Students              

 If you wish to receive medical treatment, please check remarks to ensure if your medical treatment is not excluded from this insurance and follow the procedures:

  1. Go to a hospital or clinic near you for treatment. 
  2. Pay full amount of fee for the treatment, and be sure to get both a Receipt and the Diagnosis report issued by the hospital with symptom description and the date(s) you go to the hospital. If you need to make another appointment with the doctor, please apply the diagnosis report after you complete the final treatment. 
  3. The documents you need to bring to Health office (B201) as follows:
    1. The original receipts of payment
    2. Diagnosis report issued by the doctor
    3. Copy of your passbook, ARC, and student ID card         
    4. Compensation Application Form (fill out this form at Health office (B201)  or you can go to B201 to get the application form and fill it out.

        Bring all documents on point 3 to Health office (B201) and we will help you deliver them to the insurance company. If your documents are complete and within the coverage policy, the insurance company will transfer the claims payment into your Taiwan Bank account.

參加此保險之外籍生,在保險有效期間內(原則上約 6 個月)因傷病保險事故須要使用此保險,




  • 繳費收據正本
  • 診斷證明書
  • 存摺封面影本、居留證及學生證影本      
  • 保險理賠申請書(可至本處索取此表格現場填寫)

Policy Coverage: Insurance covers accidents or sickness occurring in the Taiwan area. Accidents or sickness requiring specialized medical care or occurring before the insurance policy was taken out will not be covered.



 1.This policy does NOT cover medical treatment incurred by the following situation or personal behavior:

    1. Suicidal behavior, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, overdose, any sickness or damage result from illegal behavior and warfare.
    2. Vibriosis, pregnancy, miscarriage or labor, and the complication incurred.
    3. Health exams, optical correction, inoculation, elective cosmetic surgery, dental scaling, denture, prosthesis, ocular prosthesis.
    4. The fee for assigning doctors, special nursing, any costs not relevant to the treatment.
    5. Systemic lupus erythematosus, Hemophilia, Hyperhidrosis, AIDS-Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome, sexual y transmitted disease, congenital disorder, vasectomy, organ transplant, and any disease diagnosed before the insurance policy taken out.



  • 自殺行為、酗酒、吸食違禁藥品或犯罪行為和戰爭變亂所致之傷害或疾病。
  • 不孕症、懷孕、流產或分娩()及其所引致的併發症。
  • 健康檢查、視力矯正、預防注射、外科整型美容、洗牙、假牙、義肢、義眼或其他附屬裝置
  • 指定醫師費、特別護士看護、陪伴費、非治療之用品費。
  • 紅斑性狼瘡(先天性)、血友病、多汗症、愛滋病、性病、先天性疾病、結紮手術、器官移植、投保前之傷病。


Contact number:082-313341
